Healing Video Series

Jesus Came To Give You Life!

  • "I have seen two of your messages so far and they help me so much. It is simply the Bible and that is what I need..."


  • "Great teaching Scott. There needs to be more teaching like this in the churches. This is why so many believers live defeated lives because its not taught enough. The breakdown of the scriptures was very powerful and to the point..."


  • "This has helped me tremendously. It is clear, concise and Biblically sound. More please!"


  • God's Word Heals

    Struggling with sickness? You can receive healing from God’s Word! “He sent His Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions” (Ps. 107:20). In God’s Word Heals, Scott Redmond inspires you to plant the Word in your heart and reap a harvest of healing! Does God still heal today? Is it God's will to heal me? Discover what the Bible says about healing. God provided healing in His Word! Jesus said, "The seed is the Word of God." You can plant healing Scriptures into your heart and reap a harvest of healing in your life!

  • By His Stripes We Are Healed

    "By His stripes we are healed" (Isaiah 53). Jesus paid the price for your sins. But wait! Isaiah 53 declares He paid the price for your sickness too! Just as you can receive forgiveness today, you can receive healing today. Does God's Word promise you healing? Can you receive healing based on this verse? These questions are clearly answered in the Word of God. Discover what rightfully belongs to you as a child of God as Scott Redmond teaches the Biblical truth: At the cost of His stripes, you are healed!

  • You Can Be Free From Sickness

    Are you asking, “Did God make me sick?” Has sickness tried to rob you of your destiny? Learn how to identify where sickness comes from and your God-given right to healing. Sickness is from the devil and has no right to dwell in your body! You are “the temple of the Holy Spirit” (2 Corinthians 6:19), and sickness has no place in you! Jesus came to undo “the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8). Where does sickness come from? Discover answers from the Word of God as Scott Redmond teaches the Bible truth: Jesus came to set you free!

  • Your Faith Can Make You Whole

    How do I receive healing from God? Can faith in God make me well again? What did the woman with the issue of blood do to receive her healing? Can I do the same and be healed? Jesus said, “Daughter, thy faith hath made thee whole” (Mark 5:34). Discover how her faith made her whole, and your faith can make you whole. You can have faith in God and be healed! In this video, Scott Redmond unpacks the Biblical truth, “According to your faith be it unto you” (Matthew 9:29).

  • Four Practical Tips For Using Healing Scriptures

    Are you fighting sickness or disease and in need of healing? The truths embedded in this powerful lesson will breathe new hope, life, and courage into you. You’ll discover how to receive your healing as Scott Redmond delivers Four Practical Tips on How to Use Healing Scriptures. You’ll learn to highly esteem God’s Word, meditate on healing Scriptures day and night, and follow the Holy Spirit’s leading as He draws your attention to a particular verse. This practical video equips you to receive your healing!